Friday, April 29, 2011
VIDEO: The Ugly Red Dummy Tought Test Part 2, Damian Ross, The Self Defense Company
This is from module 13 of the SDTS ( its called the Elin Nordegren technique. Hey, he kind of looks like Tiger...
Train Honestly,
Damian Ross, CEO The Self Defense Company
Damian Ross is CEO of the Self Defense Company and developer of The Self Defense Training System, the most lethal and effective self defense system in the world, The Guardian Defensive Tactics Police Combatives Program, 60 minute Self Defense and the Family Safe Program. Mr. Ross also founded the Self Defense Instructor Program that helps people develop their self defense careers from the ground up. Mr. Ross is originally from Ridgewood, NJ where he was a High School Hall of Fame Athlete in football and wrestling as well as a varsity wrestling coach. He then went on to Lehigh University where he was a varsity wrestler and football player. Mr. Ross has 3 black belts, 4th Degree in Tekkenryu Jujutsu, 2nd Degree in Judo, 2nd Degree in Tae Kwon Do. In addition to his martial arts experience, Mr; Ross spent 8 years in the professional security and personal protection business. He is internationally recognized as one of the foremost authorities in reality based self defense.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
VIDEO- Ugly Red Dummy Tough Test Part 1
Hitting and kicking the snot out of this thing isn't going to damage it one bit, so I had to seriously up the ante to see what punishment this thing can take. For starters I pulled out my custom made suburito. It weighs about 12 pounds and was used by samurai to develop power in their cuts. I use it in a similar manner but specifically for developing power in my Judo throws. The idea being that since the throws are based on the cutting motion of the katana, there may be some training benefit. In fact the majority of samurai body motions were based on the katana for the same reason that all the techniques (armed and unarmed) in the SDTS (Self Defense Training System) are based on the same primary muscle movements. The skill sets you learn in module 1 remain constant through out the program. By using the same gross motor functions we can accelerate your learning and increase your proficiency. This way you don't have to learn a completely new skill set with every new weapon or situation like the majority of martial arts and self defense systems require. Repeated gross motor skills are the best and most efficient way to train and learn...where was I, oh, beating the crap out of our ugly red friend.
In order to see how much abuse our boy can take, I pulled out the suburito and went to town. I have to say he didn't bend or budge one bit. Those shots would have sent the BOB across the room and shattered his little plastic base. I was even more surprised at the amount of abuse the legs can take. They didn't crack or budge at all. Not even a sound. I think it's safe to say that if you can bend or break this thing, you don't need any self defense need to be tagged and released back into the wild.
Train Smarter, Not Harder,
Damian Ross, CEO The Self Defense Company
Damian Ross is CEO of the Self Defense Company and developer of The Self Defense Training System, the most lethal and effective self defense system in the world, The Guardian Defensive Tactics Police Combatives Program, 60 minute Self Defense and the Family Safe Program. Mr. Ross also founded the Self Defense Instructor Program that helps people develop their self defense careers from the ground up. Mr. Ross is originally from Ridgewood, NJ where he was a High School Hall of Fame Athlete in football and wrestling as well as a varsity wrestling coach. He then went on to Lehigh University where he was a varsity wrestler and football player. Mr. Ross has 3 black belts, 4th Degree in Tekkenryu Jujutsu, 2nd Degree in Judo, 2nd Degree in Tae Kwon Do. In addition to his martial arts experience, Mr; Ross spent 8 years in the professional security and personal protection business. He is internationally recognized as one of the foremost authorities in reality based self defense.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
VIDEO- The Ugly Red Dummy 2- Knock Down Test, Damian Ross, The Self Defense Company
At first look, between the mounting platforms and the weight of the dummy, it looks like a stiff fart could knock it over and I was correct. Not about the fart thing, that didn't work, but it didn't take a whole lot of power to take him off his feet. Fortunately I had a quick fix that didn't require any drilling or permanent mounting solution. It was fast, easy and above all cheap.
To secure him in place I took 3, 45 pound (20.45 Kilo) plates and placed them over the base. Then training got a whole lot more fun! I mean, it was awesome. In the clip I use a combination from SDTS Module 2 Advanced strikes and to be honest, it felt amazing. Following up with a knee to the nuts was the icing on the cake. In the past, the Ugly Red Dummy would have saved me a lot of time and aggravation in the old Training Center. You could line a few of these up along the wall and instead of putting plates on the bases, just remove the suction cups and simply bolt them to a sub-floor or to a piece 4X8, 3/4" plywood. I only used the weights in this clip to show a non-permanent solution.
The performance and function of The Ugly Red Dummy were better than expected. Since I had to step on something on the ground reminded me to focus on my footwork from Module 1. It also served as a distraction. You must train for any situation and that includes ground surface. If you slip or stumble, you need to stay focused on your attack and ignore the distraction. That split second lapse in your attack maybe all the guy needs to gain the advantage. Look around you right now, you probably can't go 10 feet in any direction without running into an object or change in elevation. Dojo's and gyms are nice, but they're not the real world. In the world we wear shoes, sneakers and boots. In the world there is glass, rocks, trash and furniture. The world is a harsh and unforgiving place. Funny, I just told my 6 year old son that. Oh well, life sucks, get a helmet, moving forward...
The movement on the dummy is another positive. You're target is not going to stay still. You're going to miss, hit bone, or worse. The motion of the dummy was enough to keep me honest, but not so much that it was unrealistic and got in the way of the session.
Today, the Ugly Red Dummy passed his first serious test. Like I said, he's not perfect but for $500 and some weights you can pick up off of ebay (I saw some on Craig's List for $35.00) so not a big investment there. Like I said, it's not perfect but is it worth it? So far, I say yes, but I ain't done by a long shot...
Train Smarter, Not Harder,
Damian Ross, CEO The Self Defense Company
Damian Ross is CEO of the Self Defense Company and developer of The Self Defense Training System, the most lethal and effective self defense system in the world, The Guardian Defensive Tactics Police Combatives Program, 60 minute Self Defense and the Family Safe Program. Mr. Ross also founded the Self Defense Instructor Program that helps people develop their self defense careers from the ground up. Mr. Ross is originally from Ridgewood, NJ where he was a High School Hall of Fame Athlete in football and wrestling as well as a varsity wrestling coach. He then went on to Lehigh University where he was a varsity wrestler and football player. Mr. Ross has 3 black belts, 4th Degree in Tekkenryu Jujutsu, 2nd Degree in Judo, 2nd Degree in Tae Kwon Do. In addition to his martial arts experience, Mr; Ross spent 8 years in the professional security and personal protection business. He is internationally recognized as one of the foremost authorities in reality based self defense.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
VIDEO- The Ugly Red Dummy, Damian Ross, The Self Defense Company
The full scope of my vision for The Self Defense Training System was to offer SDTS LEGION members the option of getting a complete training system. A one stop shop, turn key program. But the problem was an obvious one, I need a dummy.
I've spent decades to trying to find the ultimate training dummy. I have built and modified at least a dozen over the years. Some worked OK, others, well, let's say they blend with the bodies in the landfill (hey, it's Jersey). The thought of manufacturing one myself occurred to me. The perfect dummy would be stand alone, with leg targets and have arms that would move to simulate different offensive positions. Finally, I would like it to be taken off the stand so it could be thrown or used for ground fighting.
Unfortunately, the cost to tool up for production is in the hundreds of thousands. Then add material, labor, shipping...let's put it this way, at the end of the day we would have to charge $2,000 for the dummy. And while I will probably receive 1,000 emails telling me to do it, when it comes time to plunk down $2000 all you would hear are crickets and I will be a guy with a warehouse filled with these things. I just had a vision of me going insane and dressing up the dummies like party guests, where was I? Ahem, moving forward, I opted to focus on the training and leave the equipment manufacturing up to the people who do it best.
That was until my friend Jack over at Street Glow (they're the guys who started sticking neon lights under everything in the 90's) told me he had a manufacturer in China who had some interesting products. While I'm not a huge fan of importing, the product is compelling. Compelling enough I think you should take a look at it.
Introducing The Ugly Red Dummy. What first attracted me to him was the fact that he has legs and a crotch target (sure who doesn't get attracted to those?). Compared to the rest of the stand alone dummy market, this puts our boy light years ahead and it opens up a whole new level to training for the SDTS LEGION. You can work combinations from The Self Defense Training System without having the compromise your leg and crotch attacks.
But he's still not perfect. He's a little more expensive than I would like him to be. Right now as he sits I would have to charge $497 for him and that's not bad considering he is made extremely well. He is seriously heavy duty and weighs in at about 80 pounds!
Over the next few weeks we are going to beat, twist and abuse the Ugly Red Dummy like he was stolen. Then, you make the call. I will pre-sell a handful of these things and start bringing them in but not until you see the good, the bad and The Ugly Red Dummy.
Train Smarter, Not Harder,
Damian Ross, CEO The Self Defense Company World's Most Lethal Self Defense Police Combatives Training Keep Your Family Safe Turn Your Passion into Profits Self Defense for Everyone Free Resource Material
FREE Training Forum
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The "X" Factor
The "X" factor. Without it, there isn't a technique, style or system in the world that will save your skin.
The "X" factor is your will to live. It's your desire to survive. The "X" factor turns cowards into heroes and victims into survivors. It's the one thing that makes all the difference. If given a choice between an encyclopedia of knowledge and a heart full of desire to live. I'll take the will to live 7 days a week (twice on Sunday).
If you ever watched the show I Survived on the Biography channel, you'll hear hundreds of accounts from people who survived violence. They're not martial artists, MMA studs or Spec Ops soldiers, they're real stories from regular people. While the situations and the circumstances of these accounts are as varied as the people who tell them. All of these stories, all of these people, have one thing in common: the will and the desire to do whatever it takes to live.
Most people, myself included, resist the idea of hurting another human being. In a relaxed frame of mind, the thought of seriously injuring or taking a human life is vulgar, cruel and sadistic. Wanting to hurt another human being for the sake of inflicting injury is unnatural at best. But, if placed in a fight or die situation, it is also unnatural to not want to preserve your own life and the lives of those around you. Because there comes a point where your resistance to inflict pain on others is replaced by your will to live. Survival is your primary instinct. It's hardwired into every species on the planet.
Methods of self defense must harness your X factor. Tapping into that raw power requires a certain type of mindset and method of training that won't impede your natural survival instinct. Methods that are too complex and consist of a multitude of specialty moves designed for specific situations will only make you freeze when placed under extreme stress. Hick's law proves this. Hick's Law states that as your choices increase, your reaction time increases. In other words, more stuff = more time and time is not something you have a whole lot of when someone is trying to put you through a plate glass window.
There is no secret technique(s). The secret is in how you prepare.
In the Self Defense Training System (SDTS) you train in methods and tactics that are simple by design and execution. You discover how to adapt a handful of techniques to any possible scenario. This is in direct contradiction to what is generally taught. Where each situation is broken down and a specific response is memorized. We have seen this method fail time and time again. Even when these experts are "attacked" they respond with a simple punch or a kick. In Gichin Funikoshi's Book Karate-Do, he recounts his one and only street fight where a man attempted to rob him and he grabbed the guy's nuts until he passed out. OK, nothing to complicated there.
Too many people focus on techniques. They collect them like marbles and think that the more they know, the better off they are. In reality, too many techniques, get in the way of your thought process. Collect them if you must (it's good to have a hobby) but remember, the only way you will be able to react successfully and release your X factor is through instinctive, convulsive and effective movements. The only way to have instinctive and convulsive movements is through gross motor or simple skill sets. Oh and those movements better be brutal, cause more injury to your target and little or no injury to yourself. Remember, the name of the game is to get him to stop as fast as possible. The only way to really stop him is through injury. The last man (or woman) standing wins.
When you train in the SDTS you're given a simple primary set of techniques and taught to train them to the point that you can do them in your sleep, from any position and with incredible power. So when you're in a horrific situation you will react without thinking. You will unlock your X factor and survive. This can work for any style or system. A reverse punch is devastating if trained in this manner.
Knowing techniques impress your friends and sound like you know what your talking about when you post on the web, but when the shit hits the fan, the only thing that's going to save you is a little technique and a lot of factor X.
Train Honestly,
Damian Ross, CEO The Self Defense Company