Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Actors From The "Unit" Mix It Up With The Self Defense Training System

It seems there is a lot going on in Afghanistan. SDC Professional Instructor LtCol Darren Poesel had the opportunity to have a few celebrities drop in on his class at Camp Eggers in Afghanistan.

They had the oportunity to mix it up with the troops and a few of the locals.

SDC Instructor LTCol Darren Poesel with
Max Martini From "The Unit"

Right plase at the right time...

So there I was getting ready for class this evening when a gentlemen in a USO shirt came up and started talking to me. As our conversation grew I asked him what he was doing over here and he mentioned that he was an actor (Max Martini) in the TV series The Unit. I replied, "I'm sorry, I had a TV, I might have recognized you". We both laughed and walked over to the Training Dummy and I started explaining to him what it is that I teach (The Self Defense Training System) and did some demo on the dummy. Then he started hitting the dummy with his boxing skills (while I filmed with my camera). Then another actor Robert Patrick came over and said "Oh, are you doing Krav Maga? No, I replied, this is more like the combatives taught to soldiers in WWII. Just as Robert started running on about how to do Krav Maga and street fight, when Animal (our hero from the Taxi situation) chimed in...No, no, no, you can't wind up with a punch or a kick, your assailant will see that a mile away, you need to lead with speed and follow with power, here let me show you. After he watched the actor stood back and said "Hey, I think you really have something there."

Max Martini (on the dummy) and Robert Patrick (brown shirt in front) from the hit show "The Unit" take some time from the USO show to train with SDC Instructor Darren Peosel ("Animal", the hereo from the Taxi Cab Incident, has his arms folded in the back)
As we finished our mini-class the actor Max said that he would be fighting in Dec on and that we should watch. Sure I said, then I wrote down and said he should drop by the web page and that if he was ever in Tampa or N.J., that he should come by and say hello.

"I'll do that" he responded.



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