Friday, May 1, 2009

Self Defense Myth Busting

Just the facts. The following is backed by scientific study, NOT dojo hyperbole.

The Truth About The Statistics We Hear...

The image on the left is NOT a real fight.

Myth 1: 90% of fights go to the ground
This is the "statistic" heard from every ground fighter and grappler. The truth is IT IS UNTRUE.

The "fact" comes from The Use Of Force Study of the LAPD by Retired Sgt John Sommers. His study looked at 6000 use of force reports. He presetned this study at the ASLET conference. He used this study he developed a defensive tactics program for the LAPD. The report found that 60% of the time the arresting officer was knocked to the ground. Given arresting situations where multiple officers are involved and there is a lot of pushing and shoving, there is a high probability of tripping and falling.

Some other points to know:
1. The study didn't involve fights, only use of force. This is when the officer must use force or a display of force. This includes pushing and shoving to drawing your weapon.

2. The study was conducted on police officers NOT citizens.

To quote Sergeant John Sommers, (who worked with martial artists like the Gracies, the Machados, and Benny Urquidez) "I don't ever recommend you go to the ground." The very author of the study and designer of the training program thinks going to the ground is a very bad idea.

Check out to get more details

Just the FACTS please:
According to the Department of Justice and the FBI Crime Reports from 1973 to 2006 (

*Men are victimized at rates 22% higher than women
*Men are more likely to be victimized by a stranger
*Most homicide victims 35% are under the age of 35. 11% are under the age of 18.
*In 26% (more than 1 in 4) of the violent crimes committed, a weapon was present.
*Homicides are often committed with weapons. 65% with firearms, 13% with knives, 6% with blunt objects and 16% with other weapons.

*Women are more likely to be victimized by someone they know
*A woman who fights back gains an 86% chance avoiding the rape and incurs little chance of additional injury.
*Most injuries occur BEFORE a woman fights back
*Women using knives or guns in self defense were raped less than 1% of the time (Kleck and Sayles study, 1990)

From the Police Use of Force Study by the Department of Justice
the study focused on 7,512 adult custody arrests in 1996.
*80% of in which police used force involved WEAPONLESS TACTICS
Grabbing was the tactic uses 50% of the time (we could conclude that STRIKING was the other 50%)
*2.1% of all arrests involved use of weapons of any kind
*1.2% of all arrests used chemical agents, like pepper spray
*0.7% of all arrests involved other weapons (batons, flashlight, etc.)
*5% of all use of force involved a weapon. Baton, Pepper Spray or Firearm
*0.2% involved a firearm.

That means for every 500 arrests that involve use of force you will get into
400 hand to hand confrontations (200 roll-arounds, 200 beat downs)
6 times you will have to use the "juice" (Pepper spray)
3.5 times you will have to "crack heads" with your baton
1 time you will have to use your firearm.

Will you be involved in 500 use of force arrests? Probably not. I know you go to the range and take your "certification" classes, but are your making close quarters, hand to hand combat part of your life?

Statistics don't lie. You are going to have to fight to survive. Citizens and Police alike must assume your target is armed, dangerous and yo will have to use unarmed use of force to get home safely.

Don't ever let the FACTS confuse your BELIEFS. This is not martial arts propaganda.

Scientific study, not randomly spouted statistics are what I hand my hat about you?

the self defense company
damian ross
self defense
martial arts
law enforcement
use of force
violence statistics

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