Monday, March 22, 2010

When you exhaust all other options, then what?

The following was inspired and borrowed liberally from the Gun Rights Roundup
by Buckeye Firearms Association

In Toledo Ohio, a thug has gone on an ugly and violent crime spree.

His technique is to prowl parking lots looking for an unlocked car he knows to be owned by a woman. He hides in the car then pounces when the woman gets in, robbing or threatening to rape the victim at gunpoint.

The advice from police? Lock your car doors.

That's sensible advice, but it doesn't address the central issue. What happens if the thug jumps you in the parking lot? Or what if he pulls out a gun while you're in a fast food store? This particular thug has done both.

The real message from Toledo police is that they can't protect you or prevent a crime. Your personal security is up to you.

Security experts will tell you to be aware of your surroundings and listen to your gut. If you see someone who appears out of place or threatening, you should take evasive action. That's fine as far as it goes, but if you're serious about security, you have to ask yourself an important question: "Then what?"

If you're aware of your surroundings, see a threat, and do everything you can to avoid a confrontation but can't, then what? If you lock your doors and turn on your security system and a bad guy breaks in anyway, then what? If you dial 911 and the operator tells you police will arrive within 10 minutes, but a criminal is threatening you now, then what?

Even if you own or carry a firearm, you must still get to your weapon. And if it's not in your hand, then what?

The don't ask, don't care mentality.

Police, government and corporations will NEVER advise you to use force to defend yourself. READ: NEVER. The last thing these organizations want is the liability of advising citizens to use force of any kind. Because of one simple reason: they don't want to get sued. Even if they're right, they will spend $495 per hour on lawyers to defend even the mere suggestion of taking a self defense course. In the end your safety is compromised because of their potential exposure for a law suit.

You are left on your own to sift through the confusing world of martial arts and self defense an industry more concerned with enrollment and sport than defensive tactics.

This is one reason that the Self Defense Training System (SDTS) is such a vital piece of the security puzzle. Once you accept the fact that your security is up to you, not the police, and after you take ordinary precautions to lower your risk, you must ask yourself, "Then what?"

This is also why we decided to let you try the program FREE for 30 days!No matter where you are, in your home or a deserted parking lot and encounter a violent criminal, the Self Defense Training System (SDTS) offers you an immediate and effective answer to the question "Then what?" And it doesn't take years to master and it will allow you to channel your will to survive.

The powers that be want to prevent you from having a good answer to "THEN WHAT?" question. They assume we're trying to turn people into violent killers. That couldn't be farther from the truth. We just want to make sure you have all available options by giving you simple and effective answers to tough situations. Whether you choose to use them is up to you.

It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Let the decision to become a victim be your choice and not the person pointing a gun in your face at 3 a.m.

Damian Ross
The Self Defense Training System
The Self Defense Company
Martial Arts
Self Defense
Close Combat
Defensive Tactics

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