Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How Much Crap Do You Actually Need?

Cables, bands, kettle bells, free weights, heavy bags, training dummies, makiwaras, wight machines, dip bars, pull up racks, ropes, tires, bats, sledge hammers, bricks, and dumbbells, and that;s just the stuff in my barn!!! I.m at the gym and I watched them erect the latest and greatest fitness trend the Purmotion Cage. It's pretty cool, it has gymnastic rings and ropes and a whole bunch of pull up bars, all in all it looks like a jungle gym on steroids.
. Heck, the thing looks like it has everything I've constructed in my barn to develop core functional strength for combat. I can't wait to get on it and start playing around. But is all that stuff really necessary?

I have gotten the best results with a pair of running shoes, medicine ball, jump rope and some specific calisthenics. In Module 7 of the SDTS. Look at guys in prison. They go in 120 pound crack heads and come out 200 pound animals. How does a junkie turn into Arnold Schwarzenegger? He's not doing spin or yoga. He doesn't have access to hammer strength or free motion machines. He's not on a raw diet, watching his carbs and eating clean. He's eating government food which as you can guess, isn't of the highest quality.

The point is, you are lead to believe that you need a ton of stuff to get you in shape. Yes, pilates, yoga, purmotion and any physical exercise will do the trick guaranteed, but you don't need all that. What you need is patience and desire.

Training does not have to be complicated.

Even in the Self Defense Training System all you need is something to hit. We give you the simplest, most effective way of training in your home. All you need is some space and you're good to go.

You need to be self motivated.

If you need someone looking over your shoulder, telling you you have to do it, pushing you, you will not last very long. It's one thing to receive instruction, it's another to hire a babysitter. Eventually you will find ways out of training and be back where you started.

The trick is to set side time. Start with 1 hour per day 2 days a week and work up to 5 days per week. On the week ends do something fun and physical for an hour and always take one day off. Understand that there will be some weeks you will miss a bunch of days or even the whole week. No big deal. This happens to everyone, and it's normal. Consistency over time is the key to success in any field and while some claim to say you will see results in weeks, give yourself 90 days. If you workout an hour a day, five days a week for 90 days. Even if you just went for a walk/run for an hour and did that 5 days a week for 90 days you will see incredible results. Of course you need to limit your diet and all that other common sense stuff. I'm not a nutritionist, but I did have a nutritionist write the diet guidelines in the new Self Defense Training System manual.

Training doesn't have to be complicated, just consistent.

Damian Ross
The Self Defense Company
The Self Defense Training System
Combatives Training
self defense
martial arts

1 comment:

  1. thise purmotions are pretty cool, we've haad them out here on the West coast for a while now, but I could not agree with more sir.

    I work in a gynm and get paid fair valued to instruct our clients. But in my 18 plus years as a personal trainer and conditioning coach, believe me when I say; I've had to babysit a large percentage of my vlient in the fitness industry.

    That's the cool thing about running group self-defense class~ those types of people are there because they don't want know stinkin babysitter.

    Your also right about the equipment, all these years iin that industry and I very seldom even train or condition in a fitness industry.

    A little band work, a little kettlebell and club bell, locamotion, level change, pushing and pulling with (as you said~ barn tools), plus a little body weight does wonders.

    Especially if self-defense/combat condition is the main reason your conditioning.

    P.S. Pen & Teller are full of it and I was surprised to hear Mac Youngs point of view, especially considering his past.

    As always best of the best & kepp it going.

    Johnny G.
