Wednesday, October 20, 2010
VIDEO-Close Combat Stick Fighting Drill - Damian Ross, The Self Defense Company
This drill comes from Module 9 of the Self Defense Training System, "Weapons Offensive Tactics". In this clip, Self Defense Company CEO, Damian Ross demonstrates a simple yet devastating opening combination with the short stick or club.
n close combat it is much more effective to use the club with a two handed grip as seen in the video than what's normally taught. In fact, unless you are swinging a bat, axe handle or lead pipe, swinging the club is only advisable in a handful of situations. You don't need to be Rodney King to realize that there is not a lot of knock out power in swinging a night stick. Will it hurt, YES, will it eventually stop you, sure, but is it the most powerful and effective, absolutely not. Add to the equation that modern impact weapons designed for law enforcement lack any significant weight to supply enough knock down power. Weapons like the ASP are more designed for comfort instead of performance. Officers were tired of having to remove and replace their night sticks in their belts every time they entered and exited the cruiser.
Hey, I'm not saying they don't hurt, but when you're faced with a drug induced or emotionally disturbed person you are not gong to be happy.
There is a reason riot squads around the globe still use these types of two handed techniques, they work. Now they have even replaced the club with the riot shield (a little more humane) but the same combative movement and tactics none the less.
The reason two handed techniques work so well is simple, you can put more body weight and power behind the strike and the obvious reason is at close range t s impossible to swing the club at all. In Module 9 of the self defense training system we show you how to use the club in grabs, holds and even round situations. Nothing fancy, just what works.
Until next time, Train Honestly,
Damian Ross, CEO The Self Defense Company Corporate Center World's Most Lethal Self Defense Police Combatives Training Keep Your Family Safe Turn Your Passion into Profits Self Defense for Everyone Free Resource Materialjavascript:void(0)
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