Monday, December 8, 2014

I Can’t Breathe…

I almost spit out my coffee. I m watching ESPN to catch up on what happened in the NFL yesterday when ESPN talking head John Buccigross had to comment on the I Can t Breathe shirts that were worn by some misguided professional athletes. He said the shirts were worn in protest to the death of Eric Garner who was killed by police with an illegal choke hold for selling loose cigarettes. Et tu ESPN?!?!? I specifically watch Sports Center first thing in the morning to avoid going bat-shit crazy by watching the news. I know how shitty the world can be and I really don t need to be reminded every minute of the day. And now the last bastion of non-political commentary and Kardasion TV, sports, had decided to comment. This statement about Eric Garner is inaccurate and incorrect on every possible level. If you believe this statement you re either completely mis-informed or a complete moron. The only FACT in the John Buccigross statement death of Eric Garner who was killed by police with an ille

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