Friday, May 8, 2009

Family Safe Program

Is Your Family Safe?

Dropping junior off at karate class does not guarantee his safety. In fact, in most cases it only creates false confidence in your child's ability to protect his or herself.

Self defense is not martial arts. Martial arts are great for building self esteem, getting in shape and learning to overcome obstacles. Self defense is self preservation. Self preservation depends on three key elements: Plan, Decide and ACT!

In the Family Safe Program kids are given a specific set of rules to follow and a specific course of action. Children (and parents) are given a GO- NO GO set of instructions.

The course also creates communication between parents and children regarding these types of situations. No drama, no sugar coating, just the facts.

The hour long program is part lecture and part drills. Kids learn to escape and evade much larger predators while they work their way through the obstacle course!

The product is due to release in June 2009.

the Self Defense Company
Damian Ross
Family safe
Kids self defense

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