The Gi(uniform) vs No Gi debate regarding self defense is ridiculous. Yet some people seem to think that training without a gi is some how more realistic than training in a uniform. Here's a news flash, training without a gi is not more realistic, its just easier.
The reason why they don't wear gi's in MMA is because the uniform adds a whole new level of techniques that take years to master. A uniform opens the door to a multitude of submissions and take downs, that number well into the thousands.
On the other hand In a no gi vs gi fight, the clear advantage goes to the man without the gi since the uniform provides handles and levers that enable you to manipulate your opponent a lot easier. It's like going into a fight with a noose dangling from your neck. It was only a mater of time since the fighters in the UFC ditched the uniform, it just made sense. On a personal note, I always thought Royce Gracie had brass balls going into the ring wearing a uniform against no gi opponents.
The notion that no gi is more real is ludicrous. The vast number of confrontations occur where you spend the majority of your time: where you live an work. Unless you live in a nudist colony or have an extremely liberal employer, you're clothed and wearing shoes the majority of the time. It makes sense that this is how your should spend the majority of your self training.
Now I know some chucklehead will say "What happens if you get into a fight at the beach?" I know there's a slim chance that I might get caught in my birthday suit, (Let's not get into the details, but fighting naked isn't fun or funny, it's awkward at best(I have no idea how the Greeks did it - OK, maybe I do...) and how I know this is a whole other subject on a completely different blog.
Moving forward, if you do get into a no gi situation and you will be able to adapt a lot easier if your primary method of self defense is not grappling and does not depend exclusively on the uniform. In other words, striking translates beautifully to no gi. It doesn't matter what he's wearing, he'll get knocked the F#$% out just the same. Remember, grappling skills are secondary or back up forms of self defense. They're terribly inefficient when compared to striking. They take more skill and more physical conditioning to become proficient. Let's face it, it takes a lot less time to knock someone out with a punch than it does with a strangle.
If you do train in a uniform, its a lot easier to transition from gi to no gi than from no gi to gi. In fact a lot of fighters who've never trained in a uniform tend to avoid starting because it's a very different game and against an opponent who has gi experience they'll have their hands full.
At the end of the day, you prepare for your purpose. If you're training MMA, by all means, train no gi, if you're preparing for Judo, BJJ or Sambo the opposite is true and if you're training for self defense, prepare for the most likely scenario. Don't fall for the no gi is more realistic line. It's not more real, it's just easier.
Train Honestly,
Damian Ross, CEO The Self Defense Company
Damian Ross is CEO of the Self Defense Company and developer of The Self Defense Training System, the most lethal and effective self defense system in the world, The Guardian Defensive Tactics Police Combatives Program, 60 minute Self Defense and the Family Safe Program. Mr. Ross also founded the Self Defense Instructor Program that helps people develop their self defense careers from the ground up. Mr. Ross is originally from Ridgewood, NJ where he was a High School Hall of Fame Athlete in football and wrestling as well as a varsity wrestling coach. He then went on to Lehigh University where he was a varsity wrestler and football player. Mr. Ross has 3 black belts, 4th Degree in Tekkenryu Jujutsu, 2nd Degree in Judo, 2nd Degree in Tae Kwon Do. In addition to his martial arts experience, Mr; Ross spent 8 years in the professional security and personal protection business. He is internationally recognized as one of the foremost authorities in reality based self defense.
Yea, that me in no gi just paints an ugly picture
Nice Ken.
but i think it's better sometimes with no gi because it makes it harder for ur opponent to make any kind of judo throw or takedown because in judo u must grab the opponent from th sleeve and the lapelle
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