Monday, September 20, 2010

VIDEO: Self Defense Circuit Training- Damian Ross, The Self Defense Company

Edge of hand circuit training with The Self Defense Training System. This clip show one of the hundreds of circuits from the Self Defense Training System. Damian Ross shows you how to incorporate your tactical training with body conditioning and physical conditioning. This circuit includes vertical dummy training, hand conditioning on your SDTS brick, push ups. lazy pull ups, lump hammer (killer on the delts), horizontal dummy training, and some ab swings to finish up. Each station has 25 reps and there is no rest in between stations. Do each hand 1 time through the circuit for a total of 4 rotations: Left hand horizontal edge of hand, Right hand horizontal edge of hand, Left hand vertical edge of hand and Right hand vertical edge of hand.

Repeat the circuit 1 to 4 times. This type of circuit can be replicated for any technique as detailed in the training manuals of The Self Defense Training System.

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